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File Upload

The File Upload app is accessible in any Data Transfer project. This app provides a multi file upload function via the web browser. It also provides instructions on how to use the MinIO client to upload very large files or a batch of many files.

Upload using the browser

When opening the File Upload app, you will see a view like this: File Upload

  1. Click on Select Files to open up a file browser window, and select one or multiple files:

    File Upload - Select Files

  2. Click Upload to start the file transfer. Upload might take some time depending on the file size.

    File Upload - Selected

  3. The files will appear in the Uploaded Files section.

    File Upload - Uploaded Success

  4. Files can also be deleted here with the red trash icon on the right, e.g. if you accidentally uploaded the wrong file.

    File Upload - Delete Files


Browse or share your file in the File Browser app.

Upload large files


For advanced users, some familiarity with the command line is beneficial.

You need the your credentials (user ID and secret), these are provided to you by the Computomics team if necessary.

For larger file sizes (> 200 MB) we recommend to use the MinIO client. Follow the instructions given when clicking on the link We explain how to set this up here. in the Upload Files view:

  1. Start with the MinIO CLI Tool Installation (if not done yet) ...

    File Upload - Tutorial Upload Large Files

    ... and choose your operating system e.g. Windows for installation instructions.

    File Upload - Setup MC

  2. Once MinIO is installed, continue with the Project Setup.

    File Upload - Setup MC 2


    Both ACCESSKEY and SECRETKEY are provided to you by Computomics. PROJECT_ALIAS is chosen by you, make sure to use something that allows you tp unambiguously identify this specific project. You can get a list of all your aliases with command mc alias list.

  3. Use the provided commands to upload the files to the Computomics Platform.

    File Upload - Setup MC 3

Once upload is completed, your files will be accessible in the File Browser.